Killer Instinct Guide Service specializes in alligator hunts in Zone 1 and Zone 1A on beautiful Lake Eufaula but will travel to other zones in Georgia if we have access to hunting waters. Our alligator hunts are with a hook and line combination and then a dispatch method, in accordance with Georgia State Law. Our hunts are targeting alligators that are free ranging; therefore, we cannot guarantee a size, although 8' to 10' are almost assured. We have harvested up to a 13'1''' alligators for clients. We pride ourselves on a high success ratio in harvesting these prehistoric creatures if the client allows us time to do so. Population control has become an essential management tool for promoting a healthy Georgia alligator population and resource where man meets nature. Co-existence depends upon the responsible and ethical hunting practices of seasoned professionals. As a hunter, your experience will include the entire harvesting process, including hooking, shooting, retrieval, and tagging of the alligators. The hunter is responsible for obtaining the tag since Georgia has a points base system for obtaining an Alligator Zone tag and also obtaining the proper licenses. Hunters interested in participating in a hunting adventure unlike any other are invited to apply online at and take part in the alligator hunting season. Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance in the process for obtaining a tag. Once you have a tag, we can help you obtain all the required licenses and permits.
Alligators must be captured alive prior to shooting or otherwise dispatching the animal. It is unlawful to kill an unrestrained alligator in Georgia. We use several methods to catch and restrain the alligator to include; hook and lines, snag hooks, and harpoons. Once the restraining lines are attached, the alligator is retrieved up to the boat so that it can be properly dispatched.
Once the alligator has been captured and brought adjacent to the boat it shall be dispatched. Our preferred methods of dispatching an alligator are with a bangstick or handgun. We provide the bangstick and can also provide a handgun if the hunter doesn't have one of their own that they prefer to use. There will be safety briefing prior to the hunt to go over all the equipment.
Hunters interested in participating in a hunting adventure unlike any other are invited to apply online at and take part in the alligator hunting season. The permitted alligator hunter must possess a hunting license, in addition to a quota alligator harvest permit. Lifetime and honorary license holders are exempt from these requirements. Persons accompanying a permitted alligator hunter and actively participating in the hunt (e.g., operating the boat, holding a spotlight or otherwise assisting in the search, capture or dispatch of an alligator) must have a current hunting license. Possession of a valid license is not required to apply for quota hunts. IMPORTANT: You must be selected for a alligator permit prior to purchasing any of the other licenses. Once you have been selected for the alligator permit, contact us and we can help you obtain the proper licenses and other permits.
We have all the information and recommendations on what to do with your trophy alligator after the hunt. We do not process the alligator meat for the client but have recommendations on processors.
Please contact us once you obtain an alligator permit so that we can discuss the cost and scheduling. The Georgia alligator season is short so contact us to get on the schedule as soon as you have the permit awarded. We will not schedule hunts prior to Georgia awarding the permits out.
2025 Pricing for GA Zones
Prices are for hunter and 2 guest. If needed, extra days are discounted!
Zone 1 or 1A (Lake Eufaula): $750 a day with no trophy fee!
Zone 2 (Lake Seminole): $1200 for 1.5 days with no trophy fee!
Zone 3 (Lake Blackshear): $1200 a day with no trophy fee!
Zone 4,5,6,7: Call to discuss pricing if you have private water to hunt.
Zone 8 and 9 (Savannah River and others): $1200 for 1.5 days with no trophy fee!
2024 Pricing for Alabama Zones
Prices are for hunter and 2 guest. If needed, extra days are discounted!
Lake Eufaula Zone: $750 a day with no trophy fee!
Killer Instinct Guide Service
PO Box 1912 Newnan, GA 30264
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